Is alcohol really a depressant?

In an attempt to make our lives less complicated, we like to simplify quite complex issues into quick grabs that are easy to understand and don't take too long to communicate to others. It's just human nature - firstly, most people don't have the time or the patience to listen to all of the subtleties that may be involved with the subject, and secondly, most of us wouldn't necessarily understand everything that needs to be said! In the alcohol and other drug (AOD) field this has always been the case. I've been to scientific conferences where researchers who have spent their life in a laboratory with a pile of mice have tried valiantly to communicate what they have discovered and seriously, not one word has made any sense to me at all. When it comes to how different drugs work on the body, most particularly the brain, there are very few researchers across the world who I have met who can effectively communicate in words of one or two syllables how drugs do the thin...